Visiting Guests
Sunday Evening - 6pm Gathering
MAY 5, 2024
Michael and Dianne are hope addicts! They served as worship leaders and senior pastors for 21 years. They were catalytic leaders in the renewal movement in Brevard County, Florida sparked by a visit from Randy Clark in January 1995. The Melbourne Renewal saw tens of thousands of people from around the world come to experience the healing presence of God in a movement that started with nightly meetings that lasted nine straight months and weekend meetings went on for nearly three years. During that season, Michael traveled extensively preaching in renewal centers internationally, including Bethel Church, Harvest Rock, Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship and Seattle Revival Center.
But ministry was derailed by Michael's painful failure that altered the trajectory of their life and family. In extravagant grace, God proved he was not finished with them and rescued their marriage and rebuilt family as a living message of hope and healing for the Body of Christ. They now minister together from an unquenchable passion: to see others experience the healing and wholeness Jesus provided through the work of the cross. Their 44 year marriage has produced three children and ten grands who are the joy of their lives.
This journey birthed an unquenchable passion: to see life as it is transformed into life as it should be. You feel this fire in his books. He and Dianne have made it their singular pursuit to discover the design, desire and delight of the Father. They share this as Builders--spiritual mothers and fathers of revival--for the Influencers of Bethel Leaders Network. Michael's ministerial credentials are through Bethel Church, Redding, CA.
Website: www.MichaelWThompson.com